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flutterflow List view refresh not working as expected - suggestion needed

so I created a page on which I basically have a list of food items organized per chefs.These are 2 list view embedded. The first level is the Chef (yellow), and under a chef there are multiple food...

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Bottom soft NavigationBar overlaps my ListView

I ran my app on a Nexus 5 (Android 5) but I encountered the problem that the soft NavigationBar at the bottom overlaps the last item of my ListView. I've tried to add fitsSystemWindows to my style and...

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Listview inside scrollview in swiftui

In Swiftui, I have a list view inside a scrollview. I would like to turn off scrollview scroll. However, Listview ought to scroll. However, it does not function when I use.disabled(true). How would one...

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Modifying the text color of List Item on Selection in QML ListView

I am trying to update and reset the text color of current selected list item in QML ListView and resetting the color to default when the current selected list item becomes the previous Item in the...

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How to display lots of data with ListView/GridView at realtime

I have to visualize lots of messages from a CAN bus systen with my app.My app uses C#, WPF and MVVM. To display the data I implemented an Usercontrol, that uses a ListView with a GridView as View...

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Flutter Web: problems with scrolling to begin or end in ListView after...

I've been banging my had over this one for a couple of days now... I am building a Flutter Web app which provides an agenda. The agenda is presented in a ListView. I am fetching data from a backend to...

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ListView Multiselection

I tried to implement the multiselection on Android ListView. I want to select/deselect more than one item and these items should keep highlighted or not.I don't want to use CheckBoxs for selecting the...

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Uno platform/MVUX: using a template selector that binds a class-specific page...

I am trying to display objects of different classes (with a common interface) in a ListView. I would like to use a specific Page to visualize each class of objects. I have implemented a template...

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Android set single item background color in listview

I need to change color on selected item in list view, i know how to do that in click method, but the thing is that I want to set it then i load new activity. In that activity I'm creating listview and...

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How to take responce of radio button in listview and compare it with correct...

I am making one question answer app in that I have retrived all data from remote server using volley on the form of radion button in custom layout of listview, Now I want to take responce from user in...

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Android Context Memory Leak ListView due to AudioManager

I have a ListView and I would expect it to be cleared from memory when the activity finishes. However, it appears that it is leaking. When I check the Memory Dump, and get the pathToGC for the ListView...

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Displaying ALL data from sqlite database into listview in tabbed activity

As a newcomer to android development I've been stuck on this issue for a few weeks now and it's getting pretty tiring. After looking at every tutorial and reading every question and answer I could...

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Handling on item click in Widget ListView [Android]

I've been searching this for weeks now but I can't find an answer. I'm trying to create a ListView inside a widget. I managed to populate the ListView. My problem is when I click an item inside the...

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JavaFX: How to cause change events when changing members of an ObjectProperty

I have a class MyObject and a class MyOtherObject (To keep the post as short as possible, I'll leave out the getter and setter here and just use the members directly.):public class MyObject{ public...

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ListView.Items(0),Selected error System.nullreferenceexception

I'm trying to debug a program which uses a ListView to create a list of icons for files stored in a DB. I got the log of an exception stating System.nullreferenceexception: 'object reference not set to...

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How can I set the maximum height on a ListView?

I would like to create a UI where half of the screen is a ListView and the bottom half is another view. Not sure how to specify the maximum height for the ListView.<?xml version="1.0"...

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Wpf gridview selected Item

I have ListView with GridView inside view of ListView and ListView item source is specified. I dont seem to find how can. I get SelectedItem of GridView or SelectedItem changed.<ListView...

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C# Windows Form App (.Net) ListView: Change the Color of the "empty space" at...

You've successfully changed the color of a ListView's header and everything else of the ListView.However, i'm struggling to find a solution to change the color of the header's "empty space" at the end...

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why wpf itemlist disconnected after itemsource change

I am going to make pageable listview.I almost implemented all features except index display.I pass listviewitem to converter as multibinding to display the index.But listview display the index till 2th...

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Listview seems not to respond to adapter changes after accessing Fragment by...

I am developing an android app with a few fragments.activity_main.xml:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout...

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How to make a `ListView.builder` Start at a Specific Index

1. The ProblemIs there a way for a ListView.builder to start, say, at the second (index = 1) item of a list of widgets?In my case — more info here and here if you're interested —, I'm trying to add...

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Set flutter textfield inside Listview and get the value of each textfield on...

controller:List<TextEditingController> areaController = [];Code:Column( children: [ ListView.builder( shrinkWrap: true, itemCount: 5, itemBuilder: (context, index) {...

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Excel VBA ListView Headers Bold

I am new to VBA and struggling to make my ListView (named "lvRec") headers bold only.The ListView is in a userform, Excel populated from the currect workbook, "MySales" table.How to format headers,...

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Flutter: ListView with header

Created custom header Widget _listHeader({bool hideSelect = true}) { return Container( color: headerColor, padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 8, bottom: 8), child: Row( children: [ Visibility(...

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How to clear a ListView that fetches elements from an API when I come back to...

So from the ActionActivity, I can start the ListeRecette activity. In the ListeRecette activity, when I click on btnRechercher, it will fill the ListView with elements thanks to an API GET. But when I...

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Unable to design a correct layout in flutter

I'm trying to make a task app with Flutter and Firebase.I'm not the best for designing so I took a design from Dribbble that i'm trying to copy for my app.Here is the link of the design.Dribbble...

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C# WPF moving the "map" object and separately the internal movement of...

There is a ListView that is itself an "interactive map" that I want to move and zoom in on. And on this "map" there are elements (ListViewItem) that I also want to move relative to this map. But the...

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Making a Container height match the Intrinsic Row Height inside a ListView

I want to make the container height to match the Row height inside this ListView, so I get a nice indicator for every card. The column will have variable length, so I cannot set a specific height. If I...

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How to create a closed (circular) ListView?

I want to create a customized ListView (or similar) which will behave like a closed (circular) one:scrolling down - after the last item was reached the first begins (.., n-1, n, 1, 2, ..)scrolling...

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How do I fit the card view to the size of the recycler view?

I am making a list with a recycler view and in each view item I want to put a card view, but it doesn't fit the full size, as shown in the image.recylcerview code where it has the screen...

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